来源: 伟德国际1949官方网站
Title: Doing a PhD abroad: the obvious and less-obvious advantages
Speaker: Prof Martin Dove, Queen Mary University of London
Doing a PhD abroad offers many advantages. There is a chance to learn a
new language and experience a different culture. These are obvious points but
there are often many other advantages that are not so obvious. These include
seeing different approaches to scientific research, experiencing a different
scientific community, seeing how science is organised and managed in a different
country, and sometimes learning skills that could be of considerable advantage
to your own country. I will illustrate the talk by showing the research work of
a number of my students who could also have been listening to this talk 5 years
Introduction of the Speaker:
Prof Dove has worked at QMUL since 2011,
having been Professor at the University of Cambridge from 2002. His research
work is both experimental and computational, with a focus on understanding the
properties and behaviour of condensed matter systems from an atomic level.
Examples include radiation damage, phase transitions, amorphous materials,
dynamics of network materials, and anomalous properties such as negative thermal
expansion. The experimental work is mostly using the technique of total
scattering (both neutrons and x-rays) for the determination of the atomic
structure of materials considering both the average structure and the local
structural fluctuations. Simulation methods include large-scale simulations
using models for the interatomic forces and quantum mechanical calculations of
crystal structure, elasticity and lattice vibrations.
时间: 2017年3月31日,下午14:30
地点: 物理馆323学术报告厅