中国科学院近代物理研究所Sven Bjarke Gudnason教授报告
来源: 伟德国际1949官方网站
Date: 2017.06.02 (Friday) 2PM
Place: Rm 220, Physics Building, Sichuan
Speaker: Prof. Sven Bjarke Gudnason (Institute of Modern Physics,
[visit from 06.01 - 06.06]
Title: Some exact Bradlow vortex solutions
I will discuss Manton's five vortex equations, the action
giving rise the generic equation and a different toy model giving rise to the
Bradlow equation. The integrable cases have a geometric interpretation and are
related to the vortex map (squared) being a ratio of the Baptista metric to the
background metric. Both metrics give rise to constant Gaussian curvatures,
except at the vortex positions where the Baptista metric has conical
singularities with a conical excess of 2\pi per vortex. The Gaussian curvature
of the background metric is given by the (Fayet-Iliopoulos) constant in the
vortex equation and the Gaussian curvature of the Baptista metric is given by
the constant multiplying the scalar field (squared). All the known integrable
cases have constant background curvature. For the Bradlow vortex, it is not
necessary, though, due to the simplicity of the equation. I present some simple
solutions with non-constant Gaussian background curvature. The Bradlow equation
has the peculiarity that on a noncompact manifold, it gives rise to either
infinitely many topological vortices or a finite number of nontopological
vortices. Finally, I will contemplate possible physical interpretations related
to BEC systems with constant magnetic fields. [Based on 1701.04356]